Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Implementation of a leadership development program Essay
Implementation of a leadership development program - Essay Example In this case, Baltimore Insurance is vast; hence, it constitutes a robust combination of workforce. This vast population will have an impact on the technique chosen, its success, and costs of implementation. Therefore, it may also be considerable to incorporate a combination of techniques to adapt to the changes in the chain of supervision. The vast composition of the Baltimore Insurance organization is an elemental aspect, which, constitute the issue in the course of establishing the technique to employ and implementation of the program. Further, it is notable that the Baltimore Insurance constitutes a workforce with mixed experience and skills. The changes in the organization are also elemental as incorporation of technical considerations and elements available to support the working of the supervisors influence the overall performance of the employees (Noe, 2013). Thus, the technique chosen ought to employ the consideration to the goals of the training such as the achieving of new skills and furthering of the old techniques to solve this arising issue. Workplace behavior and fair treatment devoid of discrimination and harassment are other considerations in the course of establishing the training technique to employ for Baltimore Insurance workforce (Wilson, 2006). Therefore, it may also prove useful to incorporate a combination of traditional training techniques to further the course of the organization and aid address the issue. Even with the present advances in technology, traditional training approaches remain key and remarkably effective in approaching implementation of new programs. Among the options to employ in presenting the program is the use of lectures. The lecture method entails an instructor-led session in which the trainees will congregate in a class setting and take lectures on the proposed program (Noe, 2013). Notably, the option entails using projector or whiteboard, PowerPoint presentations, and video options. The procedural
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Strategic Change Models
Strategic Change Models Models of strategic change can best be defined as the possible adjustments in the vision, mission, and objective of an organization towards achieving specific goals. It is the quality of the organizational strategy based on its competitive edge, applicable resources, scope as well as synergy. With regard to this definition, it is very obvious that strategic change can easily be influenced by both external environment and the states of firms. Considering business world nowadays, change is obviously inevitable. Besides, it is expected that firms must always leverage towards managing change in order to be competitively positioned otherwise, any organization that is found wanting with regard to change will certainly lose relevance in no time. Indeed, one can initiate model for strategic change in organization in various ways depending on the peculiarity of the organization, the prevailing situation or the organizational objective per time. Meanwhile, some of the models of strategic chang e that will always stand the test of times in any organization include: A The Lewins Model of change The organizational change with this analogy is based on ice. More importantly, Lewiss model implies that when facing with change, the methodology must begin with the study of the in order to the reason and the type of change to plan for. As a linear model of change, the 3 steps it comprises are: Unfreezing the firm. This is all about making change through gathering and comparing fresh facts which produces unavoidable situation for change. It begins with unfreezing the exact needs for the purpose of such needs based on the required change. Again, it has to do with deactivating the current practice while the new change is systematically introduced. Moving or Change- This is the actual process of enforcing the required change. Re-freezing- This involves how to move from the old or traditional approach to the new one permanently. B Positive Model This model of strategic change in an organization can best be described with President Bush doctrine on pre-emptive strike on change without waiting for any unsuitable circumstance prior to introducing necessary change. This approach in not unaware that that organization is performing well but keep building upon these encouraging attributes to enhance more effectiveness and efficiency in operation. It is particularly ideal for model for identifying ways by which organization must or can operate; unfortunately, it fails to consider the factors that necessitate changes. C Action Research Model Strategic Change This model in question can be intensified and involves heavy data when one of the staff discovers some bottleneck and need for change. As a result: data relating to the situation is collected The gathered data points out likely the strengths and weaknesses with regard to the situation by way of first feedback A collective effort is made to find out the possible nature and causes of the issue at hand. Prepare a coordinated attack and well planned solution for implementation Gather additional data to verify the potency or weak points of the plan In case satisfactory result is not achieved, the process is repeated over and again until desirable solution or feedback is achieved. It is noteworthy to state that this model of change is demanding and it continuous cycle of producing theory and testing, carry out evaluation and sometimes repeating the hypothesis and testing. D John P.Kotter 8 Model This model can be summarized as follows: Create consistent urgency. Motivate the stakeholders to take positive actions. Try to make the motive behind this realistic and most suitable. Develop the regulatory team or group. Ensure that the appropriate individuals are nominated with good dedications and skills. Obtain suitable vision. Inspire the team to come out with straight forward vision and strategy. Pass across the buy-in. That is to say, you it is better to ensure the participation of several individual stakeholders and explore the use of technology to fast track your plan. Motivate actions with corresponding rewards. Clear all constraints and encourage logical feedbacks. Develop short term wins. Be aiming from simple and realistic goals Refuse to let up. Display courage and disciplines as you progress. Make the change permanent. Let the value of progressive change be known by promotions and reward. 1b Evaluation of relevant model of strategic change to organizations in the current economy According to Kotters model, change should not be approached too suddenly but step by step procedures. He went further to explain that change begins anytime there is an urgent need in within an organization for the purpose of feeling one or more requirements or there is need to find solution to some problems. With regard to the current economic scenario, in case an industry is experiencing keen competitive environment while the economic recession is biting harder, wisdom demands that organizations ensures do everything possible to motivate its workers. By so doing, they are bound to enjoy more commitments and loyalty from the workers. One of the best ways of demonstrating this is by ensuring their active participations and meaningful dialogue in all strategic change or plan. If an organization remain static or unable to change plan, this will further aggravates the already weaken aggregate business developments of the firm. This can only happen if the firm fail to recognize the need f or change and uphold the generally acceptable method of dealing with organizational change. In finding solution to the above case study, it is very obvious that Kotters 8 step change model has all the answers. First and foremost, management must create effective and solution oriented communication with all the stakeholders toward arriving at strategic change. Besides, the relevance of change model team cannot be overemphasised. It will be recalled that any organizational change is the directly initiated the team and also push the change ahead. In addition, tuckmans models of learning technique also comes to play in this situation because it analyses different phases of team development. It specifically symbolizes the levels of Forming, Norming, and Storming as well as Performing for the recognition of and the stages, at what point should any strategy is per time. Assess the value of using strategic intervention techniques in organizations 1c:- The value of using strategic intervention in an organization cannot be overemphasized. First and foremost, we must be reminded that strategy is all about long term creation of sustainable value. In other word, lack of timely strategic intervention will not only bring in sub optimality within the functional unit, it will as well have adverse effects on the vision, mission, goals and objective of the organization. Indeed, strategic intervention in every organization is highly valuable that it will position such firm competitively and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization. Again, the application of strategic intervention in an organization will surely bring about common process and terminology all over the organizational business units. This will enable the organization to speak one language in identifying priorities. 2 :A Examine the need for strategic change in an organization 2a The truth of the matter is that every organization must always anticipate the need for change as long as it still wants to maintain its relevance among in the production of goods or services. In fact change is a constant and uncontrollable variable; hence strategic change from time to time is the only solution any organization can adopt. Basically, strategic change will always make an organization to program its resources between the present and the future in a sustainable, effective and efficient manner so that it will only be thriving while surviving experience will become a thing of the past. Strategic change is required to have a competitive edge over others. It is important to reposition the organization in compliance with the latest trend. Without meaningful strategic change, organizations will remain static because it may find it very difficult to successfully interact with its environment. 2 :b) assess the factors that are driving the need for strategic change in an organisation 2b In the nutshell, need for strategic change in any organization may be propelled by either internal factors, external factors or both, depending on the peculiarity of the organization or issue at stake. Some of the internal factors that can potentially create changes include the attitude of workers, equipments, the workforce as well as the management strategy itself. On the other hand, many external forces most likely to bring about strategic change include Economic changes, labour markets, technology, government policies and regulations in addition to marketplaces (competition and forces of demand and supply).Better still, strategic change in an organization is needful if an opportunity is able to identified opportunities in one or more areas in preparation for its exploitation. 2 :c) assess the resource implications of theorganisation not responding to strategic change 2c The resource implications of Organizations not responding to strategic change. Obviously, any organization whose resource fails to respond to strategic change is bound to experience counter-productive results in its implementation and operations. The effects are as follows: Significant loss of capital and time to the organization in question It may lead to sharp decline in the productive capacity Lack of effective communication in the line of authority. Sub optimisation among the organizational units may set in instead of goal congruence. Lack of total commitments, dedication and discipline among the team members because of inadequate motivation. Loss of customer due to lack of coordinated efforts. Decision making may be dragging if not difficult. Task 2: 3 :A) Assess the resource implications of the organisation not responding to strategic change 3a Without any doubt, there is hardly any organization that can effectively plan any change without the active involvement of all the stakeholders. The task can be challenging but with effective planning, humility and courtesy, the prospects of burnout by participants can be minimized. In developing systems that involves the participation of stakeholders while planning for change, the following points must be highlighted: Ensure the involvement of all stakeholders from the onset. Inviting stakeholders at the conclusive stage could be met with resistance and rebellious. Give room to the stakeholders to have a say from the beginning enhances buy-in, commitment and enthusiasm. Be transparent. Try as much as possible to display honesty. It is better to let your group know the truth than to lie to for any reason. Listen, Listen and Listen. Even though it is may not be too easy, but always be a good listener. While listening, make sure that you maintain focus with all your body language. You may even demonstrate your listening ability by asking a follow -up question or repeat what the speaker just said. Ensure effective communication every now and then. Give recognition to differences at the early stage. There is bound to be disagreements, do not ignore this but try to resolve this early enough. Try never to abandon any stakeholders because of differences or for expressing different opinion. Give attention to what concern them and not purely on internal or management goal. Make provision for the resources required to carry the intended plan. Organize a meeting when it is mostly essential. Analyse feedback and give commendation where it is required. Create excitements along the process to enhance interactions. 3 :b) develop a change management strategy with stakeholders 3B To develop a change management strategy with stakeholders the following steps are needful: The management must devise many communication strategies such as meetings, survey, questionnaire, voting, interview, e-mailing as well as physical interaction. Formally invitation to the entire top management directly connected to business heads for the meeting to deliberate on introducing strategic change to the organization. Officially present to the relevant stakeholders on the reasons behind potential change within the organization. Try to document the minutes of meeting and then copy all members and equally solicit for their feedback. The moment these feedbacks are arrived, organize a strategy to proffer solution to all the reservations and let them see reason why change is inevitable. Plan for the official formation of a team as also select a dynamic and visionary leader to start the process for change. This team must encompass members that cut across various business processes. 3 :c) evaluate the systems used to involve stakeholders in the planning of change 3c Evaluation of the systems used to involve stakeholders in the planning of change. Basically speaking, change process must involve the top management and all the stakeholders otherwise known as the end users if such change or strategy will stand the test of time and popular. One of the best ways of initiating change process to ensure effective communication and calculated enlightenment as regard the needs for change. In other words, stakeholders are not only to be fully informed, they must be carried along creating room for their active participation in the process of making decision. Without good communication, feedbacks from them may not be fully explored. By requesting and accepting their inputs and feedbacks will always go a long way in motivating and giving them some sense of belonging, hence acceptance and implementation of the outcome will become easier. On no account must any stakeholder be taking for granted, rather they should always be made to feel that they are genuinely important at every stage. It is suggested that the word we be always used to replac e I or they to portray collectivism. The systems and processes that would need to be or probably be developed in order to guarantee the participation of stakeholders in the change can be categorized as follow: Containment strategies: The aim of this strategy is to focus on all who are mounting resistant and finding it difficult to adjust at the moment but can add value to the change due to their special knowledge, experience and skill. Outplacement strategy: Here, the outspoken and powerful resistant laggards are the best candidates for outplacement particularly when they fail to accept and complied with the planned change. Engagement strategies: The attention here is directed at the brains behind the doubtful majority while the target is to convince them to be the first to accept the change at the same time use them as instrument to convert the opposing sides. Leverage strategies: The technique is mostly applicable to the initial adopters with powerful influence to nurture their supports in order to explore the change among those who are sceptical and indifferent to the strategic plan. 3 :d) Strategic Tips for Managing resistance to change Ideally, resistance can hardly be divorced from the process of change and the effect can either be negative or positive, depending on the managerial handling. Here are some approaches towards handling of organizational resistance to change: Support and encouragement: If those who are saddled with the responsibility of originating and coordinating change process are given the corresponding encouragement, people get more inspired with increasing confidence for more commitment and sacrifice where need be. As role models, they can easily win many more opposing stakeholders in support of the change process. Dialogue and agreement: So many issues must be resolved anytime any organization opts for strategic change. It is almost certain that there will be some initial protests and misunderstanding among the stakeholders but all these can be resolved at a round table or other strategic solution. Participation and openness: There must be effective strategy meant to enhance collective participation and active participation of all stakeholders towards the change process. As a result, they tend to be motivated and feel part of the process. Communication and education: The only way to remove or drastically reduce any misconceptions from the opposing stakeholders is to embark on though education and maintenance of meaningful communication. Acceptance of change becomes easier when all the relevant stakeholders are well informed and communication is opened. Indeed, management can always win over any instance of resistance to change if effective and goal oriented action is embarked upon. In order to overcome any identified instance of resistance, therefore, it is suggested that management study and understand the actual reason for the fear or Doubt. Thereafter, try to identify the leaders and then concentrate and combine all efforts to make them see the reasons for change. In the extreme case, organization may decide to sacrifice them or dangle some carrots or banana before them in exchange for their supports. Reveal to them their likely benefits in the planned change and let some respected individuals talk on your behalf. Ask for their input and give them some responsibility for decision making. Always arrange strategic meetings at intervals and communicate effectively. 4 :a) develop appropriate models for change. 4a The most important features in the successful implementation of organizational model for change can be summarized into 5 factors as itemized below: Optimal coherent Ideally, any change strategy must always maintain consistency and also offer very competitive advantage. Human resources should always be treated as valuable assets than liabilities. This is not only motivational; it also enhances the commitments of the entire workers. Be a role model: The management must lead the planned change and make room for the best environments for change. They must as well set the pace and create a sense of direction. Most importantly, management must assume the responsibility of setting visions and objectives expected of any planned change. Connecting both strategic and operational change: If operational activities can be correctly built, it may give rise to fresh strategic plans. Carry out environmental assessments: This implies that both external and internal factors of the organizations must always be evaluated, regulated and controlled from time to time. 4 :b) plan to implement a model for change. 4b The strategy here is to gain the acceptance of the major decision makers and powerful individuals by enlightening them as regard the expected change. Carefully analyse a complete plan including the schedules and the phases of the change methodology. Try as much as possible to gain the stakeholders confidence and assurance for meaningful and lasting results. Carry all the end users along in the entire process and let them contribute their input to the planned change. Compensate and motivate the stakeholders for the successful implementations Arrange special training for the staff and other stakeholders for effective implementations of the change. Always keep good record of the progress along the line. Carry out appraisal and evaluations to measure changes per time and in different level. Understand the weak points and work hard to change it for better. It is suggested that your monitoring and reviews be programmed for once a week and also ones per month. 4 :c) develop appropriate measures to monitor progress. 4c It is very vital that organizations ensure effective monitoring of progress of change in order to measure those activities and performances it links to. There are many approaches to monitor this progress for the purpose of achieving the set objectives. Meanwhile, some of the popular performance measurements for progress monitoring include: Review and evaluations: Having arranged for the model of monthly and weekly reviews of the process, it is recommended that eagle eye is kept on the level or effectiveness of such progress. Through objective evaluations, the weaknesses or strengths of the planned change can be identified and take some corrective action where necessary. 180 and360 degree feedback: When this model is set for any group or persons, it becomes easier for the top management to realize understands the real performance, the corresponding resources required in addition to the contribution of individuals. Balanced scorecard: This implies a performance management technique which gives attentions to different overall performance indicators for monitoring progress in line with organizations strategic plan. Some of the instances are financials, learning, growth, internal business processes as well as the perspectives of the customers. Organized milestone: The idea behind this it aimed at setting a milestone for projects for the purpose of keeping track over the continuous progress of the project in question. Benchmarking Here, the attention is focus on how other organizations realize the target performances in addition to studying the methods of doing same. By benchmarking, careful study and evaluation of the prevailing situation is analysed and introduce improvements according to what obtains in the industry.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Hallucinogens :: social issues
Hallucinogens Hallucinogens mess with your brain they alter how the brain perceives time, reality, and your environment. They also affect your senses like hearing and seeing. This can make you think that you are seeing stuff and feeling things that donââ¬â¢t even exist. Using Hallucinogens makes your heart rate and blood pressure increase. Hallucinogens may put you into a coma. They can also cause heart and lung failure. Hallucinogens can change the way that you feel emotionally. They may also make you feel suspicious, confused, and disorientated. Hallucinogens affect self-control there impact vary from time to time so thereââ¬â¢s no way to know how much self control youââ¬â¢ll be able to keep. They can cause you to be violent and/or aggressive, make meaningless movements, lose control of your muscles, and mix up your speech. Itââ¬â¢s really easy to develop a tolerance to Hallucinogens so eventually it will take more of the drug to get the same effect that you used to get from a little of the drug. This is dangerous because taking large amounts of the same drug can lead to overdose with severe effects. Mescaline Mescaline is the psychoactive ingredient of the peyote cactus. Ecstasy is the common name used. Some nicknames are E, X, and XTC. Ecstasy is actually a mixture of mescaline and methamphetamine. Ecstasy may give a short-term feeling of euphoria but can result in confusion, depression, paranoia, psychosis, increase in heart rate and blood pressure, and cause long-term damage to brain cells. Some effects are also influenced by thoughts, environment, and people who are with you when you take the drug. Vivid changes in color and form occur. Sometimes the user becomes disoriented loses sense of time, place, and identity or has sensations of knowing and feeling what everything in life (and life itself) is all about. Emotions from the past, present, and future flood the userââ¬â¢s mind. Depression, weakness and lack of muscular coordination, anxiety or paranoia, trembling, nausea, dizziness, facial flushing, and dilated pupils are other symptoms that someone is using this drug. Some health problems are long-term damage to brain cells, and increase in heart-rate and blood pressure. Tolerance develops quickly causing you to need more and more X to get the same effect that one pill used to give you. This makes the risk of overdosing very high. Mescaline has no positive uses, People take this drug to have a good time and be cool.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Essay
After reading the play, I think that there are many feelings evoked towards Linda. There is pity and sympathy and some resentment at her denying Willy the chance to work in Alaska. She is a hard-working wife and loving mother. One could blame her for Willyââ¬â¢s suicide but this would be harsh, as she feels that she must go along with what Willy believes and not interfere. To begin with, there is her relationship with her sons. She loves them very much, and wants the best for them. When they come home she is obviously extremely pleased. She says: ââ¬Å"It was so nice to see them shaving together, one behind the other, in the bathroom.â⬠We can see that she is a caring and devoted mother when she defends Biff whilst Willy criticises him: Willy: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦But itââ¬â¢s more than ten years now and he has yet to make thirty-five dollars a week!â⬠Linda: ââ¬Å"Heââ¬â¢s finding himself, Willy.â⬠Willy: ââ¬Å"Not finding yourself at the age of thirty-four is a disgrace!â⬠Linda: ââ¬Å"Shh!â⬠Willy: ââ¬Å"The trouble is heââ¬â¢s lazy, goddammit!â⬠Linda: ââ¬Å"Willy, please!â⬠Her sons disappoint her, especially when they desert Willy at Frankââ¬â¢s Chop House where they were meant to be having dinner with him. She is angry with them, and shouts at them: ââ¬Å"You invite him to dinner. He looks forward to it all day ââ¬â and then you desert him there. Thereââ¬â¢s no stranger youââ¬â¢d do that to!â⬠ââ¬Å"Get out of here, both of you, and donââ¬â¢t come back!â⬠ââ¬Å"Youââ¬â¢re a pair of animals! Not one, not another living soul would have the cruelty to walk out on that man in a restaurant.â⬠Despite this, Biff and Happy love her very much and respect her. Biff refers to her as his ââ¬Å"palâ⬠and is upset to see her hair turning grey: Biff: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦Your hair got so grey.â⬠Linda: ââ¬Å"Oh, itââ¬â¢s been grey since you were in high school. I just stopped dyeing it, thatââ¬â¢s all.â⬠Biff: ââ¬Å"Dye it again, will ya? I donââ¬â¢t want my pal looking old.â⬠Happy also respects her and when he describes the kind of girl he would like to meet, he says: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦Somebody with character, with resistance! Like Mom, yââ¬â¢know?â⬠He also says this of her: ââ¬Å"What a woman! They broke the mould when they made her. You know that Biff?â⬠Biff is also sensitive to the way Willy treats her, and stands up for her when Willy keeps silencing her: ââ¬Å"Stop making excuses for him! He always, always wiped the floor with you. Never had an ounce of respect for you.â⬠Linda: ââ¬Å"Oliver always thought the highest of himâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Willy: ââ¬Å"Will you let me talk?â⬠Biff: ââ¬Å"Donââ¬â¢t yell at her, Pop, will ya?â⬠Willy: ââ¬Å"I was talking, wasnââ¬â¢t I?â⬠Biff: ââ¬Å"I donââ¬â¢t like you yelling at her all the time, and Iââ¬â¢m tellinââ¬â¢ you, thatââ¬â¢s all.â⬠Willy: ââ¬Å"Whatââ¬â¢re you, takinââ¬â¢ over this house?â⬠Linda: ââ¬Å"Willyâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Willy: ââ¬Å"Donââ¬â¢t take his side all the time, goddammit!â⬠Biff: ââ¬Å"Stop yelling at her!â⬠Linda is also suffering from the financial state of the family, and is upset at her sonsââ¬â¢ lack of support. ââ¬Å"â⬠¦Christmas-time, fifty dollars! To fix the hot water it cost ninety-seven fifty! For five weeks heââ¬â¢s been on straight commission, like a beginner an unknown!â⬠She has succeeded in making her sons feel ashamed of themselves, which shows that she is a good mother who can still make her sons feel that they have let her down. I believe that this is a good quality. Biff says this about himself: ââ¬Å"The scum of the earth, and youââ¬â¢re looking at him!â⬠I also admire her confidence when she admits to the boys some of her fears: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦a terrible thing is happening to him. Heââ¬â¢s not to be aloud to fall into his grave like an old dog. Attention, attention must be finally paid to such a person.â⬠Linda, as we can see from the play loves Willy very much. She shares in his dreams, and is even too ashamed to remove a piece of rubber piping that he is using to commit suicide with. Despite this, she is thrilled when she sees it gone, though she later discovers that it was Biff who removed it. She is also too ashamed to admit to knowing that Willy is borrowing money from Charley, pretending that itââ¬â¢s his pay. ââ¬Å"Willy, darling, youââ¬â¢re the handsomest man in the worldâ⬠¦To me you are. The handsomest. ââ¬Å"â⬠¦because I love him. Heââ¬â¢s the dearest man in the world to me, and I wonââ¬â¢t have anyone making him feel unwanted and low and blue. Youââ¬â¢ve got to make up your mind now, darling, thereââ¬â¢s no leeway any more. Either heââ¬â¢s your father and you pay him that respect, or else youââ¬â¢re not to come here. I know heââ¬â¢s not easy to get along with ââ¬â nobody knows that better than me ââ¬â butâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ She shows here her love for Willy, and her faithfulness, even though we know that Willy has been disloyal to her. She tells her children her fears, and that she believes that only they can help him. ââ¬Å"Biff, I swear to God! Biff, his life is in your hands!â⬠ââ¬Å"â⬠¦When he has to go to Charley and borrow fifty dollars a week and pretend thatââ¬â¢s his pay? How long can that go on? How long?â⬠She loves her husband so much, that she is too afraid to even talk about his contemplation of committing suicide. ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m ââ¬â Iââ¬â¢m ashamed to. How can I mention it to him? Every day I go down and take away that little rubber pipe. But when he comes home, I put it back where it was. How can I insult him in that way?â⬠Therefore we feel remorse for Linda, and much sympathy, as she doesnââ¬â¢t know what to do. We also feel sympathy for her, as we, as an audience, know that Willy is having an affair while he is away at Boston. It is the ultimate punishment for such a loyal and hard-working wife. Even as she mends her stockings, Willy feels guilt for what he has done, and says: ââ¬Å"I wonââ¬â¢t have you mending stockings in this house! Now throwx them out!â⬠ââ¬Å"Will you stop mending stockings? At least while Iââ¬â¢m in the house. It gets me nervous. I canââ¬â¢t tell you. Please.â⬠Biff almost lets on twice to Linda about The Woman in Boston. He says: ââ¬Å"Because heââ¬â¢s a fake, and he doesnââ¬â¢t like anybody around who knows!â⬠Linda: ââ¬Å"It seems thereââ¬â¢s a womanâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Biff: [sharply] ââ¬Å"What woman?â⬠Linda: [simultaneously] ââ¬Å"â⬠¦and this womanâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Linda: ââ¬Å"What?â⬠Biff: ââ¬Å"Nothing. Go ahead.â⬠Linda: ââ¬Å"What did you say?â⬠Linda does once deny Willy the chance to make a success of his career, when she refuses to let Willy go to Alaska to manage some timberland that Ben owns: Willy: ââ¬Å"No wait! Linda, heââ¬â¢s got a proposition for me in Alaska.â⬠Linda: ââ¬Å"But youââ¬â¢ve got [to Ben] Heââ¬â¢s got a beautiful job here.â⬠Willy: ââ¬Å"But in Alaska, kid, I could -ââ¬Å" Linda: ââ¬Å"Youââ¬â¢re doing well, enough, Willy!â⬠Ben: ââ¬Å"Enough for what, my dear?â⬠Linda: ââ¬Å"Donââ¬â¢t say those things to him! Enough to be happy right here, right now. Why must everybody conquer the world? Youââ¬â¢re well liked, and the boys love you, and someday ââ¬â [to Ben] ââ¬â why, old man Wagner told him just the other day that if he keeps it up heââ¬â¢ll be a member of the firm, didnââ¬â¢t he, Willy?â⬠It would be unfair to judge Lindaââ¬â¢s actions here, as it was early in their marriage, and she probably believed everything Willy told her about his achievements. We also feel pity for Linda when Willy keeps silencing her. He does this very often, but we canââ¬â¢t tell why. Willy: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦- donââ¬â¢t you pick it up. They have office boys for that.â⬠Linda: ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢ll make a big breakfastâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Willy: ââ¬Å"Will you let me finish? [to Biff] Tell him you were in the business in the West. Not farm work.â⬠Biff: ââ¬Å"All right, Dad.â⬠Linda: ââ¬Å"I think everythingâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Willy [going right through her speech]: ââ¬Å"And donââ¬â¢t undersell yourself. No less than fifteen thousand dollars.â⬠Willy also gets annoyed with Linda when she buys him a new American type of cheese, one that he hasnââ¬â¢t tried: ââ¬Å"I donââ¬â¢t want a change! I want Swiss cheese. Why am I always being contradicted?â⬠Linda is also correct in her vision of the upbringing of their children, though Willyââ¬â¢s bad influences shadow it, and so the children never take any notice of her. We see her in Act one attempting to persuade Willy that it would be right for Biff to take the stolen football back: ââ¬Å"And heââ¬â¢d better give back that football, Willy, itââ¬â¢s not nice.â⬠According to Linda, Biff is ââ¬Å"too rough with the girlsâ⬠though Willy puts this down to the fact that ââ¬Å"heââ¬â¢s got spirit, personalityâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Despite the many hardships Linda has to face, we can see that she has a strong personality herself, and therefore we feel a lot of pity and sympathy for her at her husbandââ¬â¢s funeral: ââ¬Å"I canââ¬â¢t understand it. At this time especially. First time in thirty-five years we were just about free and clear. He only needed a little salary. He was even finished with the dentist.â⬠Ultimately, the feelings evoked towards Linda in this play are sympathy, pity, and concern. There is also admiration felt for the woman who shared her husbandââ¬â¢s dreams, and took in all the criticism that was hurled her way in a calm and somewhat melancholy manner.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Effects of the use of web-based tools in Blended Learning Essay
Technology has made a deep impact on all aspects of human lives ranging from communication to learning and enhancing individual performance. The conventional classroom is slowly being replaced by computer based training and online learning environments that has penetrated remote corners of the globe via the Internet. The use of information and communication technologies in education has transformed traditional methods of learning and teaching practices. The personalized learning environment offered by the online medium has great potentials and can influence the learning process to a considerable extent. Technology has been a great enabler of transforming and re-defining the way a system operates and the wide variety of applications that it can support. Many web based learning environments use innovative technologies that have revolutionized the learning process over the past few years. Distance learning through the use of collaborative tools and technologies available has made significant breakthroughs in the field of learning. In the past few decades a number of tools and technologies have emerged that has enabled the users to adopt distance learning courses and training departments are using it to provide cost effective means of implementing learning and development programs for their employees spread across the globe. The online learning environment is supported by various types of tools that provide high level of interactivity and collaborative features enabling participants to exchange messages, files, videos and presentations. This kind of technology is increasingly being used in a wide range of applications ranging from facilitating electronic discussion between students to enabling distance learning programs through web conferencing. The revolution in communication and information technology has had a profound effect on the teaching and learning process. The change is visible in developing learning communities online. Most of the countries and even developing economies are stressing on the use of computers as an instructional medium. E learning encompasses a wide variety of tools and technologies that can be used to stimulate the learning process in an individual. With the help of this technology a variety of online learning services are made available ranging from online searches, tutorials, college courses, and professional courses to professional training and individual development programs. The E learning model adopts high level of audio and video interaction integrated with graphics and animation tool to present the learning module in an attractive format. Educational institutions and business organizations are increasingly adopting the e learning model for learning and training purposes. E learning is being increasingly used as a solution for delivering online learning regardless of physical locations or time constraints. The whole world has become an increasingly connected global community that can share ideas and exchange information through the Internet. More people across the globe are turning towards the latest technology gadgets that have made communication channels smoother and faster. It has proved to be a big resource for individuals who would like to learn a new skill or train themselves in new fields while pursuing their current employment. Hence, E learning field has provided new and better learning opportunities extending its reach beyond university campus and corporate learning centres. Blended learning ââ¬â an overview Blended learning has been described as a ââ¬Å"phrase introduced by the distance learning community in recognizing the value of synchronous learning activities, like face to face interactions with instructors and collaborative work with peers, as complements to activities performed asynchronously by individual learnersâ⬠(Howard et al. , 2006). The blended learning system includes both web based learning and traditional classroom learning environment. The web based learning system provides the students with self paced learning modules that they can pursue at leisure and convenience depending on their learning capacity. This learning environment also provides E learning tools that enable live discussions and online learning programs. The conventional classroom settings are used to clarify doubts and queries regarding the course content and student progress. An effective learning environment facilitates interaction between the learners that increases the scope to exchange ideas and opinions, share experiences and assess their level of understanding on the subject matter. A classroom environment provides this kind of face to face interaction enabling the students sharing the same learning goals to coordinate with each other, communicate their ideas and information. Jonassen (1988) has stated in his works that the effectiveness of any learning environment is based on the types and levels of cognitive and metacognitive activity engendered in the learners. It is widely accepted that learning is enhanced in instructional settings where students are engaged in processing personally relevant content and are reflective during the learning process. Learners that participate in active learning activities find learning a more pleasurable and increasingly effective than engaging in monotonous lecture sessions. Online learning provides the learners with the scope to explore the topics and study related theories that increase their level of understanding. The key ingredient to a successful computer based learning application is its ability to interact with the student and direct the flow of learning in accordance with the student capability. The visibility and presentation of information through attention grabbing graphics and multimedia tool make this a more effective learning platform. Once the attention of the student is on the learning tool the application needs to stimulate the learnerââ¬â¢s curiosity that in turn leads to search for answers and in-depth study of the learning module. The most effective teaching method involves a high level of interaction between the teacher and the student. A dedicated teacher is one who understands the studentââ¬â¢s learning capacity and his shortcomings and guides him through with effective feedback. A two-way communication between the teacher and the student is very effective in the learning process. Computer based learning applications are continually striving to achieve the human to human interactivity level and have been quite successful in this venture with the aid of multimedia based technologies. Blended learning combines the positive aspects of both conventional classroom learning and online learning to provide an enriching learning experience to the students. Web-based tools There are wide varieties of computer-mediated communications technologies that enable manage and support E learning. These tools have facilitated extensive collaboration and communication protocols providing an enriched learning environment. Some of these tools are email, chat, video conferencing, web conferencing, newsgroup, blogs, forums, virtual classrooms, and message boards. Synchronous and Asynchronous tools ââ¬Å"E learning is commonly referred to the international use of networked information and communications technology in teaching and learning. It refers to educational processes that utilize information and communications technology to mediate asynchronous as well as synchronous learning and teaching activitiesâ⬠(Naidu, 2006). Both synchronous and asynchronous tools can be used effectively to communicate, exchange and form ideas and information on a specific subject matter. Synchronous E learning is live, real time facilitated instruction, and learning oriented interaction that enables learners to use electronic means to collaborate and participate in live forums. The root of synchronous E learning has been derived from three main influences: the classroom, the media, and the conference. The virtual classroom uses highly interactive forms of synchronous E learning tools to simulate a conventional classroom environment. White-board, discussion rooms, and break out areas are some of the concepts used to enhance interactivity between learners in a virtual classroom. Naidu (2006) also observes that most of the applications are built around the synchronous learning model that makes use of tools like virtual learning environment, rapid E learning, web casting, web conferencing, video conferencing, webinars, live E learning, and e conferencing. These synchronous E learning tools help in connecting dispersed learners, facilitating real time interaction and collaboration, fostering a sense of immediacy and co-presence, developing a learning community, and enabling access to subject matter expert resources. This kind of learning environment rules out gender and personality dominance that tends to overpower in a traditional classroom setting. It encourages learners towards better teamwork, collaboration skills, strong motivation and extended peer support (Naidu, 2006). Asynchronous tools like emails, electronic forums, online discussions, blogs, provide a platform for students and teachers to discuss ideas and opinions on a specific topic. This form of E learning is ââ¬Å"commonly facilitated by media such as email and discussion boards, supports work relations among learners with teachers, even when participants cannot be online at the same timeâ⬠(Hrastinski, 2008). This provides a form of flexibility to the learners since they can access learning materials and information any time according to their convenience. The learners can log on to an E learning environment and access training materials, receive and send messages to peers and tutors. In higher education, learners can pursue online courses while taking care of other commitments. Asynchronous E learning tools have the advantage of enabling users to access information and pursue their subject matter with greater degree of concentration allowing the mind to process the information at leisure. However, it also has some significant drawbacks that include greater learner discipline since the learner has to take initiatives to login and make use of the information and tasks involved in learning process. This kind of learning process is more impersonal and isolated as compared to synchronous learning tools that enable live interaction (Ashley, 2003).
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Teenagers and gatrway drugs essays
Teenagers and gatrway drugs essays Teenagers today are faced with many obstacles and decisions as they make their way into adulthood. It is a heavy burden to bear, to know that every decision you make, could effect the rest of your life. For teenagers one bad choice could have a negative effect years down the road. One major issue that teenagers deal with on a daily basis, are drugs. Every teen at one time or another is pressured to use drugs. Its not peer pressure alone that influence teens to use drugs. Most teenagers would never try them if it were not for gateway drugs. Gateway drugs are drugs that might seem harmless, but could become addictive and dangerous. Gateway drugs almost always lead to even more serious, addictive, and harmful drugs. Cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana are three of the Cigarettes are the most common of the gateway drugs. Cigarettes are not always considered a drug, because they do not get you high or alter your state of mind. Cigarettes are still highly addictive and cause life threatening illnesses. Lung cancer and emphysema are common desieses that life time smokers could possibly face. Over 80% of all adult smokers started smoking before they turned eighteen. Some young people are introduced with cigarettes as early as eight years old. While peer pressure plays a part in children taking a puff of that first cigarette, curiosity can also influence that decision. Just as curiosity and rebellion influence that first puff, it could sway your curiosity to drink that first beer. As with cigarettes, alcohol is not often referred to as a drug. The dangerous potential of alcohol being a gateway drug is obvious, but not often seen until it is too late. Alcohol can be a harmful drug for adults, but even more harmful for teenagers. Teenage drinking is a serious problem in high schools across America. The number of underage ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Forbes and the Power of LinkedIn for Job Seekers
Forbes and the Power of LinkedIn for Job Seekers Yet another article has come out in Forbes confirming the power of LinkedIn for job seekers. In LinkedIn Still Rules As The Top Job Search Technology Tool, Survey Says, Susan Adams reports on a new survey of North American job seekers, hiring managers, recruiters and HR executives. The word from Right Management, who conducted the survey, is that ââ¬Å"almost 100% of job seekers use LinkedIn as their number one social media site for job hunting. Hiring managers also prefer Linked in over other sites by two to one.â⬠Additional findings, some related to LinkedIn and some on other topics, include: 18% of job seekers say they have had video interviews in the past year ââ¬â more than double the percent from a year ago. 45% of hiring managers say they expect video resumes to become more common. And 2/3 predict video interviews will spike in the next three years. 22% of job seekers use smartphone job search apps. Just 34% of job candidates report that they have a land line! (I seem to be living in the dark ages on this one). 94% of job seekers say they prefer LinkedIn as their chief job hunting tool, followed by Google+ then Twitter. Gen X candidates rank Facebook, Google+ and Twitter evenly. Hiring managers also rank LinkedIn first, followed by Facebook, then Google+, with Twitter in a distant fourth place. Social media sites like LinkedIn are the top way to search for candidates. Hiring managers and recruiters also still use company websites and employee referrals. In contrast, job boards and even recruiters themselves are on the decline, though 65% still use job boards. More than half use social media to post jobs and three quarters use it to find possible hires. Networking is still the best way to find success as a job seeker! This is one thing that doesnââ¬â¢t change over time. Donââ¬â¢t make the mistake of using technology to the exclusion of human contact. Ms. Adams emphasizes that ââ¬Å"itââ¬â¢s essential to have an up-to-date LinkedIn profile so hiring managers and recruiters can find you. It can also be useful to hunt for openings using LinkedIn job listings or company sites. But it can â⬠¦ be more effective to figure out what you want to do and where you want to work and to find a way in before a job is listed.â⬠Ms. Adamsââ¬â¢ recommendation and mine: If you see a job listing for a position of interest, use your networks, both online and off, to make human contact. Itââ¬â¢s not unusual for a job seeker to submit hundreds of applications without receiving a single response. So pick up the phone and set up a face-to-face meeting. Talk to people, make a human connection, and find out more about the position before you apply. LinkedIn is still the place to start with your job search. But itââ¬â¢s not the place to finish.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The best college towns for student to live
The best college towns for student to live Top 20 college towns for students While choosing a university, it is very important to pay a great attention on its location. You should really enjoy living in your chosen place. We have written a list of the best towns and cities across the USA for a student to live and study. Athens, Georgia Athens is a great place for students, who really enjoy music, arts and theatre. It is known as the ââ¬ËLive Music Centralââ¬â¢ and it is a native city for many famous artists and actors. The University of Georgia is the first state university in this state.à Athens hosts the annual summer Arts Festival, which attracts a lot of visitors. Moreover, it is not very expensive to live here. Malibu, California Malibu is a favorite place among the students of Pepperdine University. This university always does its best to cater to all the religious needs of the Christian students. Moreover, it is highly ranked in law and business programs. Malibu is famous for its tourism and hospitality industry, so it is not a problem for the college graduates to find a good job here. St. Augustine, Florida St. Augustine is a home of Flagler College, which originally was founded for the women. Students can enjoy living in the wonderful dormitories, which are located in Ponce de Leon Hotel. This city is the oldest in Florida and is famous for its rich Spanish history. You will be impressed with Spanish Military Hospital Museum and Castille de San Marco. Athens, Ohio Athens is a wonderful college town, which is surrounded by hills. It is interesting, that this town was named after Athens, which is situated in Greece. It is also known as a Tree City due to a great amount of trees. Students of Ohio University can go hiking here and enjoy beautiful scenery. The economy of Athens depends mainly on Ohio University. South Bend, Indiana South Bend is located on the St. Joseph river and is the biggest cultural and economic center of Northern Indiana. The famous University of Notre Dame is situated here. It has a superior medical system and a rich business community. South Bend is the headquarters of The Bosch Corporation and The Honeywell Corporation. Oxford, Mississippi Oxford boasts its historic sites, restaurants, specialty boutiques, bookstores and music venues. This city is a wonderful place for the music lovers, as many famous musicians have recorded their albums here. The famous writer William Faulkner was born here. The University of Mississippi is one of the Top 20 on Forbes Best Value Colleges List. Madison, Wisconsin Madison is a wonderful college town, which is situated between four lakes. It is the capital city of the state of Wisconsin, which is notable for its continued economic growth. It is a great place for all the students to start a successful career and find intellectual stimulation. Syracuse, New York Syracuse has two research universities: Upstate Medical University and Syracuse University. University Hill is the main educational and business district in this city. It is famous for being the city with the most snowfall in the whole country! Syracuse can also impress its students with wonderful performing arts. Santa Cruz, California Santa Cruz is a home to the University of California, which offers its students both graduate and undergraduate research opportunities. It is a picturesque, sunny and warm city by Pacific Ocean, which definitely has a lot to offer! à Logan, Utah Logan is a wonderful city for the students of Utah State University. It is extremely picturesque due to the astonishing Rocky Mountain Range. It is famous for its community parks and the Bear Lake. Every student can hike, ski, bike or fish here. Utah State University offers its students excellent extracurricular and curricular activities. State College, Pennsylvania State College is famous for Pennsylvania State University, which is famous among the students. Both graduate and undergraduate students always have the opportunities of employment. The campus of the university is often called ââ¬ËHappy Valleyâ⬠. Panama City, Florida Panama City is a home to Gulf Coast State College, which can boast its high job placement rate. This city attracts a lot of students, because it overlooks the Gulf of Mexico. Students can enjoy amazing restaurants, parks, shopping and a thriving nightlife. Panama City is also a popular holiday destination during Spring Break. Auburn, Alabama Auburn University is the largest university in Alabama. Auburn is a wonderful college town with its film festivals, art museums and theater venues. The best study programs At the university are counseling, pharmacy, and engineering. The East Alabama Medical Center and the Walmart Distribution Center are situated in Auburn. Ithaca, New York Ithaca attracts students with its beautiful landscapes and high-quality education. Cornell University is one of the top 20 colleges in the country. It is prestigious to study English, law, business, computer science, engineering, and medicine here. Long Beach, California Long Beach is considered to be one of the most culturally diverse cities in the country. It is famous for the California State University in Long Beach, where students can choose among the best academic disciplines. This university is very diverse ethically. Long Beach is a host to several theater and music festivals. Gainesville, Florida Gainesville has a strong educational value. It is a home to Sante Fe College. It is considered to be the best college town in the whole North America. It also has one of the largest campuses in the USA. It is interesting, that the popular drink Gatorade was invented here. Boulder, Colorado Boulder impresses its students with Great Plains the Rocky Mountains. You will be definitely amazed by its beautiful views! This place is perfect for those students, who are outdoor activists and nature enthusiasts. The University of Colorado is famous for its programs in engineering and business. Brunswick, Georgia Brunswick is a magnificent coastal city, which can offer students a lot of activities to do. It is a home of the four-year College of Coastal Georgia, which can boast its programs at education, coastal ecology, business, nursing, and biology. Wellesley, Massachusetts Wellesley is notable for its Wellesley College, which offers students excellent programs in the liberal arts. The employers of some large businesses are always willing to welcome its graduates. You will be definitely impressed by its charming streets and historic houses. Durham, North Carolina Durham is a home of Duke University, which is one of the top 10 universities in the whole country. It can boast its programs at clinical psychology, medicine, and law. Durham has the definitive support for the arts, so students can enjoy various art, music, film, and dance festivals.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Aesthetic as well as Economic Characteristics of the 'Film Europe Essay
The Aesthetic as well as Economic Characteristics of the 'Film Europe Movement, - Essay Example Nations felt an urge to create long term bilateral relations with this humungous political blitzkrieg. There after gradually & quite naturally, the ââ¬ËAmerican influenceââ¬â¢ begun to overflow in diverse domains. It slowly initiated to engulf spectrums such as art, theatre, culture, music, films. The next step was to classify those apparently ââ¬Ënon politicalââ¬â¢ artistic components at par with the lines of the grand old American maneuver. This cultural autocracy created a stir amongst the enlightened & elitist in Europe. Film corporations like the Metro Goldwyn Mayer had already infiltrated the economies of third world nations like India by 1920 (Thomas, 1987, pp.1-2). While American film corporationsââ¬â¢ encashed rich dividends from colonial markets, the European heavy weights were coerced to remain at a bay. This naturally sprouted a furor across the cultural horizon. The European mavericks & thespians felt that a cultural reincarnation was long overdue. German filmmakers like Dupont, Eichberg & Bolvary, plunged into the galaxy of filmdom, with the aim to break the American jinx (Thomas, 1987, pp.1-2). Their unbridled apathy against US monopoly led them to the shores of Britain, from where they churned out numerous path breaking films. This unique film movement came to be known as the ââ¬ËFilm Europe Movementââ¬â¢, & gained massive popularity throughout the European peninsula. The noble ideals of combating capitalist aggression with socialist principles augured magically with the masses. ââ¬ËFilm Europeââ¬â¢ managed to successfully batter up American aggression, intertwined with egalitarian theologies. The concluding research deals with the FILM EUROPE MOVEMENT with E.A. DuPontââ¬â¢s English film ââ¬ËPiccadillyââ¬â¢ juxtaposing the centre stage. The Birth of the ââ¬ËFilm Europe Movementââ¬â¢ The culmination of the First World War had precisely ravaged up the economies of France & Italy. They were in no position t o stifle or even stand a chance against the ever expanding ââ¬ËAmerican menaceââ¬â¢. The calculating American theorists embarked on their global economic conquest, & by 1917, had South America, Australia, Asia Minor & vast territories of Africa amidst their grasp. The birth of the ââ¬ËFilm Europe Movementââ¬â¢ was hence not just a united cultural Endeavour, but a collaborated strategy of economic survival. These Siamese goals gave birth to quintessential cinematic forms, the German ââ¬Ëexpressionismââ¬â¢, the French ââ¬Ëimpressionismââ¬â¢ & the Soviet schooling of ââ¬Ëmontageââ¬â¢. Interestingly, as time stroked away, films began to emerge which contained a profuse blend of two or more cinematic schooling. For example, Marcel Lââ¬â¢Herbierââ¬â¢s French saga, ââ¬ËDon Juan et Faustââ¬â¢ borrowed extensive German expressionism throughout its making, while Karl Gruneââ¬â¢s 1923 German biopic ââ¬ËDie Strasseââ¬â¢, successfully utilized F rench impressionism in its narration (Thomas, 1987, pp.2-5). Later of course, hoards of films were created blending two or more cinematic ideologies. This pan European cinematic outburst not only created an upheaval in the European domain, but also proved to be cinematically superior to its American counterparts. The unique ideas, bold subjects, & timeless concepts gave birth to films that would change the course of history itself. Geniuses like Sergei Eisenstein, Vsevold Pudovkin & Lev Kuleshov made films which enthralled film voyeurs throughout the planet. Films began to be created with an international appeal. This continental outlook started to
Friday, October 18, 2019
Research Paper Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Research Paper - Article Example Congressââ¬â¢ objectives are largely represented by policies and legislation, but most of them are implemented by the public sector where the public manager belongs. Therefore, members of this provision are implementers of decisions or ideas envisioned by law makers; they are instruments of reform and progress in the sector. The legislative arm of the government has the desire to make public administration systems more effective and efficient. It is for this reason that it may introduce policies and laws designed to achieve this goal. Currently, new public reform, based on neoliberalism or market economies has been implemented in the US and several other European countries with varied reactions. In the US, managers in the public sector are expected to cut down on bureaucratic coordination and instead adopt market competition or coordination as they carry out their duties. Most elected representatives aim at minimizing government expenditure, and a number of them believe that the reform movement of the day (neoliberalism) can help them achieve this. Therefore, Congressââ¬â¢s convictions and aims affect how public managers carry out their work as they are expected to share these objectives, as well. Provision of quality public services is seen as something desirable by the legislative arm and the public managerââ¬â¢s job is how these abstract ideas can be actualized (Pollitt & Bouckaert, 2000). In essence, some advocates in the legislature believe that reduction in government growth is a positive attribute as this allows it to work within its financial limits. Public managers are in charge of actual spending within various federal agencies, so they are expected to make reasonable discretions when doing their work. The neoliberal reform movement currently implies a move towards privatization rather than too much dependence on
Social work dessertation -Does Every child Matter Analysing policies Essay
Social work dessertation -Does Every child Matter Analysing policies around Young Unaccompanied asylum seekers in UK - Essay Example er, it should be noted, together with the global spread of capitalism (Cemlyn & Briskman, 2003), there has been also the spread of poverty, instability and war (Cemlyn & Briskman, 2003). The conditions of poverty, instability and war have resulted into the massive displacement of people. Adults as well as children are ââ¬Å"displaced across national borders by armed conflict and political oppressionâ⬠(Boyden & Hart, 2007: 237). This circumstance is aggravated by the reality that the violence against the displaced people is perpetuated by the state (Boyden & Hart, 2007). However, the suffering of the displaced people does not end there. As they flee from their country because it can no longer provide security and protection on their lives, property and liberty, they seek asylum on other countries wherein they are perceived as ââ¬Ëoutsidersââ¬â¢ who may be ââ¬Å"encroaching on national assets however justified their claimâ⬠( Boyden & Hart, 2007: 237).This forced migra tion with which people are subjected includes children. The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), currently offers support to around 8 million refugee children (Boyden & Hart, 2007: 238). There is a tremendous increase in the number of asylum-seeking children since it is claimed that the contemporary shape of wars has changed in such a way that wars are now fought within the state, at the centre of the cities, at the very heart of the towns. Being such, there is an increase in civilian casualties which in turn gives rise to the ââ¬Å"emerging demographic profile in much of the global South, where up to 50 per cent of national populations are currently under 18 years of age, it is inevitable that children constitute a large proportion of the peoples displaced by conflictâ⬠(Boyden & Hart, 2007: 238). In this regard, among asylum seekers, there is now the occurrence of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. ââ¬Å"Unaccompanied children leave their homes for diverse reasons: poverty and lack of
Ethical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Ethical Analysis - Essay Example Vallejo California is an interesting case study of one community effort seeking to supply primary care to the poor. Itââ¬â¢s proponents say the clinic is saving local emergency rooms thousands by providing non-emergency care to uninsured patients (many illegals) at low cost or free of charge. Many illegals, without proof of income, are receiving the services free of charge. Many residents want the clinicââ¬â¢s county funding cut to reflect its treatment of illegals who they believe should not be receiving health care at the expense of taxpayers. The problem is twofold and highlights two major issues concerning health care today: ââ¬Å"the un-insured and balooning costsâ⬠(Jordon, 2009, para. 4).The tip of a controversial iceberg, if health-care reform goes through the way The U.S. House bill is written, no such clinic, in California or otherwise, will receive any federal funding if it continues to treat illegal immigrants. And from opinions so far, local voters may not approve public funds to do the job. It is a health care conundrum that threatens to drive illegals back to expensive emergency rooms, and/or in denying them clinic treatment, running the risk of them not receiving treatment for diseases they may spread to the entire community. The Pew Hispanic Center reports that half of the twelve million illegal immigrants in the U.S. do not have health insurance and go to emergency rooms where they are bound by a 1986 law to be treated. Emergency-room visits, where treatment costs are much higher than in clinics,â⬠jumped 32% nationally between 1996 and 2006, the latest data availableâ⬠(Jordon, 2009, para. 5). More than an ethical question for Sutter Solano Medical Center Chief Executive Terry Glubka, Gluba, in pushing for the clinic, was trying to reduce costs at the hospital where the poorer population [including many illegals] were coming to get treated for everything from bug bites to severe injuries. By
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Philosphy research paper Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Philosphy paper - Research Proposal Example These two prominent enlightenment philosophers are chosen for several reasons. First, Locke is believed to be the precursor of American values because his naturalist ethics was the philosophical basis of the Declaration of Independence of which this country was built. Hume on the other hand is selected because of his ethical concept of ââ¬Å"what to beâ⬠or what is the ideal as contained in his famous work ââ¬Å"A Treatise of Human Natureâ⬠. He is also naturalistic just like Locke and such, would make a good case whether their ethical theories are still valid today. It is important to examine the validity of their theories because modern ethical theories are built on their philosophical theories. If proven otherwise, it would imply that current literature about ethics will fall on academic musing that does not hold validity in real world. If they are, then the works of this philosophers should be made more familiar to the modern student. As a starting point of research about the related literature of the topic, it would be appropriate to begin with David Humeââ¬â¢s A Treatise of Human Nature which was published in 1739. It would also be appropriate to examine in detail the contents of the Declaration of Independence on how closely it relates to Lockeââ¬â¢s ethical theory and whether modern Americal values are still consistent with that perspective of morality. In the process, several literature related with the subject shall be considered such as the works cited below which more than adequately explain the ethical theories of Hume and
Role of Stock Market and Banking System in Promoting Economic Growth Assignment
Role of Stock Market and Banking System in Promoting Economic Growth and Ensuring Financial Stability - Assignment Example In the given project different theoretical factors will be discussed to understand how banks and stock exchange influences the economic growth of a nation. After conducting the required literature review, some case studies will be discussed to critically verify the role of banks and stock market. On the basis of this research final conclusion will be drawn. Literature review Walter Bagehot (1873) and Joseph Schumpeter (1912) emphasised on role of banking system in economy growth and productive investment in a nation. However, there are economists like Robert E. Lucas (1988) who stated that ââ¬Å"the economists have badly over-stressed the role of financial systemâ⬠(Levine & Zervos, 1998, p.1). Similarly Joan Robinson (1952) also critically pointed out that banks respond passively to the economic growth. No doubt these critics were not wrong but one cannot deny the role of banks in economic growth. To have a healthy economic growth, it is quite essential for a nation to maintai n different businesses and industries operating in a harmonised manner. Bank acts as an intermediary that facilities fast and secure flow of capital within the domestic market as well as in international market. A healthy and well developed banking system is one of the core factors which are taken into consideration by foreign investors while making investment in a country. To attract foreign investment in a country, the government provides special changes in the monitory policy. Cameron (1972), pointed out that banks should vigorously search for ideal funds that can be used, mobilised and circulated in the economy. To attract the investors, high interest rate on deposits is a good tool, as that will attract more saving (Badun, 2008, p.122).... This paper outlines the crucial role of banks and stock markets in promoting growth and development in the modern world. After conducting the required literature review, the case study, pertaining to a global financial crisis, is discussed to critically verify the role of banks and stock market. The root cause of financial crisis was the loose monitory policy followed by the financial institutes of developed country like US and UK. The main aim of the banks was to provide easy loans at comparative lower rates. As soon as this strategy was introduced, the flow of capital increased and the liquidity position went high. Though the global economy was performing well but on the side the credit growth in the balance sheet of financial institutions also increased Banks paid less attention towards risk associated with loans at sub-prime rate. They used highly complex hybrid debt instruments without developing a proper method to analyse the risks. The policy of extensive use of sub-prime rates resulted into a bubble that burst in 2007. The poor condition of many banks created a state of liquidity crisis in the international stock market. Till mid of 2007, the stock market of US and UK was too bullish. People had ample capital to invest and thus liquidity was high. The failure of the banking system along with decline in the stock market performance created a state of harsh liquidity crisis in international market. The result was economic crisis in developed countries followed by fall in economic growth in developing nations.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Philosphy research paper Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Philosphy paper - Research Proposal Example These two prominent enlightenment philosophers are chosen for several reasons. First, Locke is believed to be the precursor of American values because his naturalist ethics was the philosophical basis of the Declaration of Independence of which this country was built. Hume on the other hand is selected because of his ethical concept of ââ¬Å"what to beâ⬠or what is the ideal as contained in his famous work ââ¬Å"A Treatise of Human Natureâ⬠. He is also naturalistic just like Locke and such, would make a good case whether their ethical theories are still valid today. It is important to examine the validity of their theories because modern ethical theories are built on their philosophical theories. If proven otherwise, it would imply that current literature about ethics will fall on academic musing that does not hold validity in real world. If they are, then the works of this philosophers should be made more familiar to the modern student. As a starting point of research about the related literature of the topic, it would be appropriate to begin with David Humeââ¬â¢s A Treatise of Human Nature which was published in 1739. It would also be appropriate to examine in detail the contents of the Declaration of Independence on how closely it relates to Lockeââ¬â¢s ethical theory and whether modern Americal values are still consistent with that perspective of morality. In the process, several literature related with the subject shall be considered such as the works cited below which more than adequately explain the ethical theories of Hume and
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
EBay as an International Business Firm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
EBay as an International Business Firm - Essay Example French computer programmer Pierre Omidyar established the eBay on 3rd September, 1995 at San Jose, California. This establishment was actually in the favor of his wife to sale her collectibles. Initially the name of organization was AuctionWeb which was renamed as eBay in 1997 ( A laser printer amounting $14.83 was the first sold item. In November 1996, eBay made its first third-party licensing deal with Electronic Travel Auction to sell air tickets and different travel products. The site hosted 250,000 and 2,000,000 auctions during 1996 and 1997 respectively (Lewis, 2008). In 2002, the company bought PayPal, the leading transaction medium of the world. In 2008, the companyââ¬â¢s revenue reached 7.7 billion dollars and the strength of manpower exceeded by 15,000. eBay successfully purchased the rights of Skype in 2009 for an amount of 2.75 billion dollars (Washington Post, 2009) Scope of Business eBay is an international firm which deals a huge of variety of items fo r sale and purchase. This huge list of items include a variety of collectibles in the field of electronics, fashion, motors, antiquates, sports, household items, movies, music and games etc. The firm uses PayPal for payment which is one of the fastest, secure, and the largest online transaction medium. Key Management of eBay Corporate and strategic planning are fundamentals of this facet of the firm. It includes the Management Information System (MIS) and some other controlling agencies like accounting, electricity, and human resource departments. However, eBay provides a web based environment works which is like newspapers-classified section. It entertains consumer to consumer transactions but does not take responsibility of the custody of sold items. Areas of Operations Presently eBay operates about 30 countries in terms of different categories of its business. The countries include Argentina, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Ge rmany, Greece, France, Hungary, Hong Kong, Ireland, India, Italy, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, and United States ( Achievements After launching in 1995, the firm has done tremendous achievements in all facets of business. Today about 147 million people use this site in more than 30 countries across the globe. After 16 years, the company manpower strength has reached about 17,700 ( The company market capitalization had surpassed that of even, helping to make it the worldââ¬â¢s most worthwhile Internet retail outlet. In 1997, there have been 40 types of products available; the actual publishing associated with collectibles as well as antiques experienced a significant growth. Other categories with regard to these things were demanded by customers. At social level, the primary concern of eBay had been to ascertain confidence amongst remote control as well as unknown potential traders that could possibly in no way have interaction yet again. This had been done through the review programs pertaining to setting up reputations with online community subscribers who
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Distinctive Ethnic Youth Cultures In Britain Cultural Studies Essay
The Distinctive Ethnic Youth Cultures In Britain Cultural Studies Essay Youth cultures in Britain became prominent within discourse during the 1960s-80s, with an amalgam of different subcultures emerging. Upon answering this question, I shall endeavour to construct an analysis of ethnic subcultures within Britain during the mid 20th century, and analyse the extent in which these cultures could be identified as distinctive, or whether they could be seen to be embracive to all ethnicities within society. Post war immigration was seen as a watershed moment within British history. The result of mass immigration bestowed Britain with a economic advantage on a global scale. From a Marxist perspective, the British were now able to maintain profit accumulation through now having a reserve army of labour. Black youth cultures became prominent during the 1960s and 1970s, being the first generation of black youths to be born in Britain. Research often comments on the way in which black people felt like being victims outside of British society, being an ambiguous presence inside the popular culture of the host society' (1987, 160). Youth deeply felt that they never had the African or Caribbean connection, which was instilled within their parents, and further, though being born in Britain, they were failed by the indigenous society to be seen as British. Mullard (1973) further expressed this view by quoting, A black born in Britain, is a shadow of a man. You are not West Indian, Pakistani or African, because you were born in Britain and you know little or nothing about your parents country (cited in 1978,181). Therefore, youth felt somewhat disillusioned to their belonging, subsequently resulting in diaspora and animosity towards white inhabitants. Moreover racialised rhetoric was evidential within society and the media. Love thy Neighbour was a popular British sitcom in the 60s which sought to demonstrate prejudicial attitudes towards black people within Britain, which were expressed on a daily basis. It further sought to portray the way in the prejudicial, bigoted attitudes expressions of the character Eddie Booth appeared stupid. On the other hand, the black male character Bill Reynolds, was a smart educated person, who often ended up having the last laugh when Eddie tried to outdo him. Rising Damp which also aired in the 1970s had elements of racial discourse from the main character Rigsby, who was the landlord, towards one of the tenants, Philip Smith. As Philip was a black man, he often brought out knee-jerk suspicions from Rigsby. From analysing these television episodes, its seems incontrovertible that these programmes presented a clear image of the prejudicial discourse/ neo colonial sphere of thought that was poignant within society, however at the same time, it endeavoured to humanise the element of racialism in order to portray how futile and inane these attitudes were. One cannot negate the element of mugging, which had heightened black youth subcultures. Hall et al. in Policing the Crisis: Mugging the State and Law and Order (1978), explained the considerable impact that the media had in perpetuating a negativistic image of black young males, being constructed as your archetypal muggers. This had a pronounced effect within society, causing a moral panic and influencing the police force to carry out more stop and searches on black people than their white counterparts. The extent of the excessive stop and searches brought about the West Indian Standing Council to claim that the police were engaging in nigger hunting and that the British black population had now been demonised. Rastafarianism brought collective identity amongst a number of black youth. Bound together by their struggles and looking to their return to Zion from Babylon. The Rastafarian movement arose in during the 1930s in Jamaica. Rastafarians worship Haile Selassie I, believing he is the resurrected manifestation of Jah and will ultimately lead Rastafarians to Zion (Ethiopia). In order to achieve this, western society (Babylon) is strongly rejected, and seen as corrupt. Rastas also believe in Zion being the original birthplace of mankind, and embrace various socio-political and Afrocentric teachings of Marcus Garvey who is regarded as a prophet. The use of cannabis is embraced, both within spiritual realms and as a symbol of rebellion to Babylon. Rastafarians usually grow their hair into dreadlocks, backed from a Biblical perspective. The Rastafarian colours are red, gold and green, originating from the Marcus Garvey movement, the Jamaican flag, and the Ethiopian flag. In the case of black subculture in Britain, Babylon was identified as London, furthermore Brixton, as there was a high volume of Rastafarians. Dreadlocks were seen by the police in effect as sticking two fingers up at them. There was a deep sense of animosity amongst police and their dislike for black in particular having dreadlocks. It is important to note that although not all black youth adopted the Rastafarian religion, the overwhelming majority of black youth embraced the clothing which they used as symbolic significance to try and end the problem of racism. Rastafarians were often criticised for their beliefs, and in extreme situations, were even rejected by other blacks within Britain. It is imperative to mention that the style of fashion Rastafarians adopted, was also embraced by some white males. The clothing style was adopted, and in some cases, selective patois words were used. Reggae played an integral role within Rastafarianism. This genre was very distinctive as it drew on vivid experiences of black people in Jamaica. It was further distinctive as it used its own language, being Jamaican patois, which was stolen by their master during slavery and colonialism. Usually, the music demonstrates the journey from Africa to the West Indies during slavery. Furthermore, reggae sought to express a back to Africa belief, and a vision of a new Africa based on an Arcadian vision (1990,19). Reggae is also known for its critique of Babylon within its lyrics. On the whole, it is clear that Rastafarianism was a religion adopted by black youth, it were a religion symbolising the struggles against the white dominant culture in Babylon. Moreover, the event Rock Against Racism (RAR), is another example of how ethnic cultures had element that related to some white youth. The campaign was set up in 1976, and used to be a one off occasion. However this changed when Eric Clapton made a remark which supported Enoch Powells River of Blood speech. This was met with heightened animosity amongst youth of ethnic minority, and fans in the rock/punk scene. There was further irony as Eric Clapton had been very much influenced by black music, further, teaming up with Bob Marley to create the hit I shot the Sherriff. Carol Grimes, who became a leading spokeswoman for RAR, commented that the campaign was more than tackling the element of race but for anyone who were victims of discrimination because of going against the status quo. She quoted, [t]he whole Rock Against Racism thing did more than just challenge racismà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ [i]t made the idea of black, brown and white united something real, and together we could tell the fas cists to f**k off (2009,223). The concert included Rock and Punk fans, of ethnicities. Without hesitation this extract shows that this campaign that punk/rock fans of black ethnic minority adopted within their subculture. Nevertheless, the concert embraced all people against racism and discrimination. The concept of black youth gang culture is still present within modern day. However, the reasons for their grouping up is somewhat different to that of the 1960s. As previously written earlier, black youth who followed the Rastafarian religion, or just adopted the style of clothing, were regarded as rude gang boys/ black gang rastas. Malcolm W. Klein expressed the view that in recent times, the UK has been typified by a number of gangs mainly situated in London, Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool. Klein further quoted that a resonating feature of these gangs, is that they were predominantly black ethnic minority street members, involved in the sale of drugs with high intergang rivalry and high levels of violence (2001,154). He specifically, looked at two gangs in Manchester, located within impoverished areas, called Moss Side. The name of the two gangs were, Gooch and Doddington, both involved in the drugs trade. Furthermore, they were also characterised by their sheer violence, wh ich peaked in 1992, with no less than 100 shootings taking place. This gives a flavour of the way in which black youth subcultures have changed in present day, with race struggles no longer pervasive, but characterised by the concern of selling drugs and being hard. This concept describes an individual expressing masculinity and strength within the physical realms. Through this, they are subsequently able to acquire status within the gang, and gain a better reputation. Grime genre brings the question of whether black subculture is a distinctive black subculture. Originating in the early 2000s as primarily a development of UK garage, it started to become more apparent from 2003, when Wiley and Dizzee Rascal released their albums Treddin on Thin Ice and Boy in da Corner respectively. It should be noted that research on this genre of music has been somewhat scarce, and my own approach is that it would bring interesting findings. Grime is now listened to by youth of all ethnicities, of all social classes. For example, Dizzee Rascal and Tinie Tempa have now helped to open the market to those who would not have usually listened. The sound of grime music has evolved, now having a fruity fusion with elements of pop and disco music. However predominantly black working class youth subcultures very much hold grime as their music in which they can relate to, especially during its infancy. During this time, and to an extent now, grime was based upon being hard and getting money. An example being hard is a tune by Scorcher called Gangsta, which was banned from television. Further interest, is the demographic location of grime videos. When watching Giggs Talking the hardest, the videos is set in Peckham, with a group of working class boys, predominantly black, with some having black bandanas as a sign of allegiance to the SN1 crew. The video at times also depicts the struggles that youth are going through, such as their run down accommodation. It seems incontrovertible that black subculture in grime is now based upon three elements, which is depicted within grime music, being hard getting money, and gang affiliation through certain dress codes. However, the development of grime has seen a wider market becoming interested, and with it has brought youth of different ethnicities. Asian subculture was another example of resistance that was present during this time. Less research on Asian youth culture was published during the 1950s to 80s. Asian youth subculture will be specifically about Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi youth. Asian youth culture took aspects of the parent culture, in particular, the acceptance of the struggles their parents went through, and wanting to fight these problems. From a historical perspective, Asian political struggles were observed in the 1950s and 60s, prior to when Indians and Pakistanis entered the country. Asian political members were located within the realms of left wing politics. Examples being MP Saklatava (MP for Battersea). Rajani Palme Dutt, was another influential communist writer, who lived in London. The first association set up was the Indian Workers Association (IWA) in 1938. It was conceived in order for members to help fund for independence in India. However following Indian independence in 1947, the IWA was di sbanded. The IWA were setup again in order to provide support for Asians coming to the UK, during mass emigration. Though individuals within the IWA comprised of different left wing parties within India, they sought to work together, not only provide social welfare to migrants emigrating, but to also deal with the problems of racism. Further, the ethos stated their unwavering stance in tackling racism within society, quoting to, fight against all forms of discriminationà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦. promote the cause of friendship, peace and freedom (p.40). Mike Brake wrote that Asian parents were in control of many aspects of their childrens lives. Females were closely watched by parents and part of the rules were that they were unable to go out at night, and due to this, it wasnt unusual for girls to attend daytime raves. Asian parents were unlikely to approve of their sons attending multi racial youth organisations, as it was feared that they would fall into bad company and furthermore, different religious and cultural traditions (1980, 129). Brake commented that for Asian youth, home and school were two distinctive different worlds. Brake further believes that the different worlds gives reason to explain why youths wanted to seek new ways, different from their parent cultures, in order to deal with the racism in society, as the parent culture had failed to do so. By the mid to late 1970s the first generation of Asian youth were confronted by racism within a number of aspects. Furthermore, the youth continued to watch their parents being victims to racism within the employment system, through getting less pay than their white counterparts. Moreover, the 1970s was characterised by the recession that took place. During this time African- Carribeans and Asians were seen as the scapegoat. Nevertheless, looking specifically at the Asian community, media reports were published which quoted headlines such as, Asian flood and Asian invasion (2006, 42). Heightened tensions were seen in 1976, when Gurdip Singh Chaggar was killed by racists. To make matters worse, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Robert Mark commented that the motives for Gurdips death may have not been due to racism. This was met by widespread outrage within the Asian community, blaming the National Front for the murder. Division was found when the IWA wanted to work through diplom atic channels, to address the problem, however, Asian youths wanted to carry out direct action. Due to this, youth in Southall decided to organise a march, shouting, we shall fight like lions (2006, 42). During the demonstration, they staged a sit in and refused to leave until two detainees who were part of the demonstrations had been released. This was seen as a watershed moment, as this brought about the emergence of the Southall Youth Movement (SYM). What was more intriguing about Asian youth culture, is the way in which they perceived themselves to be politically black within a white society. Although knowing they were not black, as in terms of skin colour, thoroughly felt black as a political position. There was an innate sense of unity between them and youth of African/ Caribbean origin, as they were experiencing the same struggles and hardships. However, in the eyes of racist white N.F.s, African and Caribbean youth were seen as hard individuals, who could stand up for themselves. However, Asian youth were seen in an obverse light and in consideration of this, Asian youth culture drew on black political movement transatlantic, especially, the Black Panther group. On the AYM flag, they adopted the black fist to portray an image of collective strength, solidarity and defiance. Therefore black was moulded into a concept of political identity uniting against all forms of racism, further symbolising that racist attitudes should no longer be tolerated or accepted. From this research, it is clear to see that Asian subculture was non secular and non sectarian. It was a culture that embraced all Asian citizens regardless of the country of origin. Resonating with the work of Cohen, Asian youth cultures identified there were contradictions within society, thus feeling these had to be resolved. Bhangra was a major characteristic of South Asian culture, in that the music displayed a cultural meaning. Bhangra emerged in Britain during the 1950s. The south Asian population brought a distinctive heritage which was seen in their music. The 1970s was a particularly important time within the transition of Bhangra music. During this time a BBC TV Asian program called Naya Zindagi, Neya Jeevan shifted the emphasis of their series to South Asian British groups and artists. Alaap was a group from Southall who were often played on the show. Their music brought a distinctive fashion to bhangra, fusing bhangra with elements of disco music, known as the Southall twist. On examination of the research, I would take the view that the transition demonstrated Cohens work on the relationship between the parent and youth subculture. The first generation of Asian youth within Britain never had the same contact with South Asia as their parents had, so they altered the style of bhangra music in ord er to create their own meaning for themselves. This new form of bhangra had distinct values and meanings for Asian youth in Britain. As result of its commercialisation, some have drawn parallels with grime and reggae music, in the way in which its lost its distinctiveness as a purely distinctive Asian youth culture. In recent times, there have been a increase in the amount of songs which have elements of bhangra and hip pop flavours which have been released. Examples of these are Punjabi MC- Knight Rider Bhangra, and Jay Sean Ride it. My own approach is that similarly to comments on reggae, although bhangra has now been commercialised, one would still identify as a distinctive, as when one listens to the music, one identifies to a specific ethnic group of people. Upon reflection, ethnic youth subcultures have had profound effect within British society. Since post emigration of ethnic minorities from the Commonwealth, Britain have witnessed distinctive ethnic cultures emerging. Rooting from the growing racism and discrimination, happening through a number of avenues. Parent culture somewhat influenced youth subcultures. However, in line with Cohens theory, both Africa/ Caribbean and Asian youth, felt that parent subcultures had not dealt with the problems they were facing, thus having to create new subcultures to solve the contradictions. Although there are some who question the distinctiveness of the subcultures, my own approach is that, in essence ethnic subcultures were created as a way to create identity and meaning through confidence, unity and self realisation, but at the same time defy against racism. Nevertheless, certain elements have been adopted by youth of different ethnicities, such as Rastafarian dress and the listening of bhangr a. Although saying this, there have been plausible evidence to demonstrate that black subculture has lost its distinctiveness, now adopting social class reasoning. Looking at certain grime songs and gangs in urban areas, there has now been the notion of being hard and getting money. The youth have been overwhelmingly working class and have embraced those of different ethnicities, who are in the same social position, struggling against the class system, rather than being in Babylon.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Genre Mixing in the Film South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut :: essays research papers
Movies are often categorized by genres, which simply means kind or type. But most movies donââ¬â¢t fit into one single genre alone. Nowadays, it is common to see movies that are considered ââ¬Ëhorrorââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëscience fictionââ¬â¢ like Signs or ââ¬Ëromantic comedyââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëfantasyââ¬â¢ like Groundhog Day (Film Art: An Introduction 109). The same is true for the movie South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (South Park). South Park is a mixture of three different film genres. First of all, it is an animated film, filmed entirely of 2-dimensional cartoons. Second, it is a musical, incorporating song and dance into the story. And third, it is a comedy full of politically incorrect jokes and crude humor. These genres come together and mix flawlessly. Although animation is typically associated with kidsââ¬â¢ movies, that is not the case with South Park. The 2-dimensional drawn animation in this movie is not to entertain kids, but more so to portray the opinions and thoughts of the writers (e.g.: the beady eyes and flopping heads of the Canadians). It also provides a convenient way of showing things that arenââ¬â¢t usually visible, like Hell, for example (Film Art: An Introduction 163). South Park, like other Hollywood musicals, celebrates typical American ideals like rewarding ambition and the romance in the film ending happily (Film Art: An Introduction 124). The musical component of the movie also increases the humor by making it even more out of control. With songs like ââ¬Å"Blame Canadaâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Kyleââ¬â¢s Momââ¬â¢s a Bitchâ⬠and ââ¬Å"What Would Brian Boitano Do?â⬠, each having its own dance number, the film removes all seriousness and makes the film a hoot. The comedy is non-stop in this movie. From politically incorrect jokes like making Satan and Saddam Hussein a gay couple to gross-out humor like a giant clitoris that talks to Stan, the movie is full of laughs from start to finish. There is no limit to where this film will go. It touched on abortion, war, racism, technology, faulty parenting and other social issues, but it did so in a crude way, leaving the audience feeling a sense of amusement.
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